
Friday, 5 March 2010

Learning a new craft - peg loom

Inspired by Helene's enthusiasm about learning naalbinding and the flowers coming out of the ground in my garden, I decided to take out the peg loom I bought last autumn and give it a whirl. I had also managed to acquire a bag of alpaca wool and some silk tops in red and yellow. With the instruction book in my hand I set to it and cut some warp from some woolen yarn in the same colour as the alpaca (i.e. white).

It took me a while to figure out how to twist the wool to make some pieces that I could weave in and out between the pegs. This is why I think that for the next rug I am making I will try carding the wool first and use that to weave with.
I managed to add the red and yellow silk at every pegs length and the result is rather nice I think.

The hardest bit, I though, was washing it. But now it is drying and I can't wait to see if it will fit on my chair.

The images in this post are copyright of Eddie Roued-Cunliffe. You are hereby granted permission to use them for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit Eddie and link back to this page. If you are using them and talking about this post I would love to hear from you in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. that is a good idea using peg loom for crafting material. It looks nice


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